## ## $VER: OPUS.ARCHIVEStxt 1.0 ## Hips, Someone (I truely do not remember who...) figured out a nice trick, and I will (ofcourse) tell you all :-) Below is an asciie representation of bank 2 from OPUS I used to use: DMS MAKE LHA MAKE ZOO MAKE SHR MAKE HPC MAKE DISK WRITE ALL DMS TEST LHA TEST ZOO TEST SHR TEST HPC TEST WARP MAKE NONE DMS VIEW LHA VIEW LHA VIEW SHR VIEW HPC VIEW WARP EX TOGGLE DMS EX LHA EX LHA EX SHR EX HPC EX ALL2LHA DELETE Big what ? MY second bank NOW looks like this: DMS MAKE LHA MAKE ZOO MAKE SHR MAKE HPC MAKE ALL DMS VIEW LHA VIEW LHA VIEW SHR VIEW HPC VIEW TOGGLE DELETE ARC TEST ARC EX MUCH BETTER !! NEW TRICK ! Use one button to extract ALL archives, use another to TEST ALL archives. How ? This is how : Enter your config-editor. Choose filetypes. Search for LHA (as an example), click it, and search for USER1 in the events list. Select it, click till you see AMIGADOS, and enter c:LHA -x -M x {f} Click CD DESTINATION DO ALL FILES OUTPUT WINDOW RESCAN DESTINATION as flags. Set close delay to -1 if desired (output window will wait after finishing, till you press your mouse...) Next select USER4 as event and enter LHA t {f} (again with AMIGADOS in front). click OUTPUT WINDOW as flag. OKAY till you can save. DO SO ! Now enter buttons. Pick a button, and enter USER1 as a command. Label the button as ARC xtract, set flag DO ALL FILES, and okay. Pick another button, enter USER4 as a command, and label it ARC TEST. Again as flag DO ALL FILES. Now if you have an LHA archive, you press 'ARC xtract', and the archive will be extracted to the destination window, OR if you press 'ARC TEST', the archive will be tested... MAGIC ! Again, go to filetypes, pick (another example) DMS. At event USER1 enter: AmigaDOS c:dms write {f} to {d} noverify nopause Command FinishSection Command DopusToFront Select OUTPUT WINDOW and WORKBENCH TO FRONT as flags. At event USER4 enter: AmigaDOS c:DMS Test {f} AmigaDOS c:waitlmb Select OUTPUT WINDOW as flag. The magic begins ! Return to DOPUS, choose a DMS archive, click on the ARC TEST button you made with LHA, and hey... IT TESTS DMS ARCHIVES TOO !! For ANY archive that supports a TEST option (read their doc-files), enter the test option on event USER4 in the filetypes part , and test it with the same button ! (same goes for EX, on event USER1). TIP: See if you use 'click'n'click' as an event. COPY the contents into the USER1 event -> READY ! Extract all sorts of archives with one button... Let me know what you think, and if you use it (and why not...?). ······························································· .#.####..............................................####.#..#. ##.#..#........._______....______......_______.......#..#.#..#. .#.####......../ /....| \.....\ .......####.####. .#....#......./______/.....|______|.....\ .........#....#. .#.####....../ /......| |......\ .....####....#. ............/....../.......|_____/........\_______............. ............................................................... .............ABC, THE CUTEST LAMER IN THE BUSINESS............. . . . Niels van \X/illigenburg . .______ Millingenhof 123 ______. / \ NL-1106 KH AMSTERDAM / \ | O O | Netherlands | O O | | /\ | Europe | /\ | | \__/ | +31 (0)20-6979932 | \__/ | .\____/ FIDO -> 2:280/464.17 \____/. . -> niels@aobh.xs4all.nl . ·······························································